Seven Safety Tips for Hurricane Season

May 1, 2015

Summer is just around the corner and so, unfortunately, is Hurricane Season. The season, which typically runs from June 1 – November 30, can wreak devastation that annually averages over $1.8 billion . Unlike tornadoes, which may only provide a few minutes’ warning, hurricanes can often be seen coming days or even weeks in advance. That “early warning system” can spell the difference between devastation and weathering the storm. Following the adage that “forewarned is forearmed,” here are seven safety tips you can do right now to prepare for the season ahead.

  1. Make Sure Your Business is Up-to-Date on Building Codes. Although the International Code Council (ICC) has been in place for over 21 years, many buildings were built before the code was in place. Older buildings, however, can be retrofitted with a number of new technologies to make them more hurricane resistant. Be sure to see what new technologies are available in your area, and take advantage of them.
  2. Enlist Another Company to Help Back Up Your Company’s Data. A hurricane often disrupts power, and when power goes down, so does access to your data. Investing in back-up services could be one of the most cost-efficient preventive measures you can take to safeguard your digital assets.
  3. Be Prepared to Move Your Commercial Vehicles to Higher Ground. Sounds simple enough, but only if you plan ahead and arrange for a place to move them before disaster strikes. It’s also a good idea to review your property insurance with your insurance agent regarding the hazards of a hurricane and your potential liability.
  4. Have a Professional Service Clean Out Your Building’s Gutters and Downspouts. Gutters and downspouts are often overlooked, yet they perform a vital function of moving water away from your building. If they’re clogged, they can’t perform the way they were meant to, and that could lead to water coming into your building instead of being safely channeled away.
  5. Inspect and, if Necessary, Replace Your Emergency and First-Aid Materials. A disaster is no time to find out you don’t have critical first-aid and emergency equipment available and in working condition. Don’t delay. Check it out today.
  6. Consider Equipping Your Windows with Storm Shutters. A hurricane’s winds can reach as high as 155 miles-per-hour. Worse yet, whatever’s in their way can be picked up and hurled through a building’s unprotected windows. Storm shutters offer another layer of protection from the unforeseen hazards a hurricane can create.
  7. Store at Least Three Days’ Worth of Non-Perishable Food and Water. That way, if you can’t get out before a hurricane strikes, you will have essentials necessary to keep you nourished during your ordeal.

If you do nothing else, make a plan. Talk to your employees about your expectations and how their safety is your number one priority. Showing you care is bound to pay off – even if you never have to put your plan into action.
